Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter Festivities: Part 1

The Easter Bunny came to our house, but I guess he doesn't like me...only N8 and Damon got baskets. Sorry Bunny, what did I do? Just kidding Nate. Oh by the way, looking good-you work that camera! We had dinner at our place and an Easter egg hunt to follow... I love the holidays!

Some of the girls from Snow came over for lunch with their darling kids that week also and we had yet another egg hunt...good times. I have a blast hanging out with you girls-love ya!


Kara's Party Ideas said...
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Kara's Party Ideas said...

yes, you updated your blog! wow!!! j/k. oh, and delete the comment above mine!!!!!! It's a virus!! DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK FROM FENRISAR!!! that exact virus CRASHED my computer a few weeks ago!!!

Jenny Timmerman said...

Hey, your blog is cute!