Wednesday, September 19, 2007



The Shumways said...

I love your blog! Damon is the cutest baby ever with those future chick magnet blue eyes. Looks like y'all are having some good times!

Josh, Jill & Dominic said...

Those are some great pictures that you got of him! There are so many moments that your child will make a funny face or say something hillarious and you just wish that you had gotten that on tape somehow and you got a couple of those time of moments of Damon!
Dominic has quite a few nicknames as well! Mister D, Govenah, Tricky Dominicky, Bubba and more... He even has a few for me and Josh now like, Sweetie Pie Honey Cakes for me and Daddy Paddy Waddy for Josh!

We miss you guys so thanks for doing your blog!